Using a Personal Trading Company Structure | Tax Clinic

Hosted by Matthew Steiner from Stellar and Tom Moore from WestBridge Group, our tax clinic focused on the benefits of using a Personal Trading Company (PTC) compared to other vehicles.
This clinic provided a forum for advisers to discuss tax related issues and gain insight into the more complicated areas of inheritance tax and estate planning.
This structure works by creating a solely owned PTC which invests in businesses operating across a range of different investment sectors including Commercial Forestry, Hotels and Bridging Finance. Once the company is incorporated and shares are issued, the two-year qualification period for Business Relief begins.
Our speakers shared their experience and answered questions around the following themes:
- How a PTC structure works compared to other methods such as sole tradership or a partnership.
- The benefits and risks of PTCs.
- The ins and outs of a PTC, from transfer and valuation of shares to profit extraction and company administration.