Business Relief Strategies – Tax Clinic with WestBridge Group

Hosted by Matthew Steiner from Stellar and Tom Moore from WestBridge Group, our tax clinic answered questions on the basics and the more complex areas of utilising Business Relief (BR) strategies.
This clinic provided a forum for advisers to discuss tax related issues and gain insight into the more complicated areas of inheritance tax and estate planning.
BR enables qualifying assets that have been owned for at least two years to be passed on free from inheritance tax. Established in 1976, BR has grown in prominence as a tool for clients to protect their legacy faster than traditional methods like gifts and trusts whilst retaining access to their capital.
Our speakers shared their experience and answered questions around the following themes:
- The benefits and risks of BR-qualifying investments.
- Common scenarios where your clients could benefit from BR.
- What the future of BR planning could look like
Register for our future tax clinics

Using a Personal Trading Company Structure
Wednesday, 17 March 2021
from 10:00 – 11:00am
We focus on the benefits of using a Personal Trading Company (PTC) compared to other vehicles in succession planning.