Our philosophy for asset-backed investment is built around three fundamental principles.
First, buy off-market and sell on-market to optimise the return.
Second, harness the inside knowledge of sector experts to help identify the most promising assets and realise the potential.
Last, but by no means least, ensure a fair deal for investors, advisers and the people who buy and use the assets we develop, nurture and sell.
In the document below, we set out the rationale for this approach, how it works in practice and the tangible value it generates for our investors, for us as a business and for society as a whole.
Read our philosophyOur asset-backed Inheritance Tax Services

Stellar ITS
A discretionary managed service designed for investors who wish to leave a legacy that is free from Inheritance Tax.

Stellar Growth IHT Service
This service offers access to a portfolio of asset-backed business activities through creation of a privately owned limited company for each beneficiary.

Stellar Business IHT Service
Business owners can access succession planning solutions either following a company sale, or as a means to invest excess company capital and maintain tax efficiency.